Joel Levitt

Joel Levitt is a leading trainer of maintenance professionals. He has trained more than 15,000 maintenance leaders from 3000 organizations in 20+ countries in over 500 sessions. Since 1980 he has been the President of Springfield Resources, a management consulting firm that services clients of all sizes on a wide range of maintenance issues.

He has trained people from virtually every one of the Fortune 500, and from most of the Fortune Global

500. Many have come back and requested consulting or customized maintenance management training for their

in-house staff. Over 15,000 maintenance professionals worldwide have enjoyed the intensive nature of our maintenance training, given in over 500 public workshops in more than 20 countries. 98% of attendees rate the program very good to excellent!

He has 25 years of experience in many facets of maintenance including process control design, source equipment inspector, electrician, field service technician, maritime operations and property management. Prior to that, Levitt worked for a CMMS vendor and as an owner/manager in manufacturing.

He is a frequent speaker at maintenance and engineering conferences and has written 10 popular maintenance management texts. He has also published over 6 dozen articles on the topic. Levitt has served on the safety board of ANSI, Small Business United, National Family Business Council and on the executive committee of the Miquon School. He is a member of AFE and Vice President of the Philadelphia chapter.

Books written:

  • TPM Reloaded, (2010 Industrial Press)
  • Basics of Fleet Maintenance, (2010 Reliabilityweb Publishing)
  • Maintenance Planning, Coordination and Scheduling , (second edition 2010 Industrial Press)
  • Lean Maintenance, (2009 Industrial Press)
  • Managing Factory Maintenance, (1996 Industrial Press)
  • Handbook of Maintenance Management, (2008 Industrial Press)
  • Managing Maintenance Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages, (2003 Industrial Press)
  • Complete Guide to Preventive and Predictive Maintenance, (2011 Industrial Press)
  • Engineered Performance Standards, in Facilities Operations Manager Handbook,(1999 McGraw-Hill)
  • Seminar texts: Maintenance Management for Buildings and Facilities
    • Management Skills for Maintenance Supervisors I, II
    • Maintenance Management for Small Rental Buildings.
  • “PM to support TPM,” Plant Engineering 6-95
  • “Practical application of theories is often lost among buzzwords,” interview Maintenance Solutions Magazine 4-95
  • “Zero-based Maintenance Budgeting,” Maintenance Technology Magazine 2-95
  • “A dozen ways to cut fleet costs fast,” Asphalt Contractor 11-94
  • “Tough questions before computerization,” Maintenance Technology 5-94
  • “Twenty steps to world class maintenance,” Maintenance Technology 12-92
  • ” New horizons in fleet management,” Fleet Equipment 2-89
  • “Hard Choices of trucking software,” Fleet Owner 4-84
  • “Small companies act to patch things up rather than split up,” interview Wall Street Journal 5-80

